Saturday, March 8, 2008

This list thing is driving me crazy!!!

Tonight we set our clocks ahead one hour and I have used up any time I might have had for lists!! That requires a thought process that is not with me at midnight, that's for sure.

The truth is I'm not sure it's a process I have retained this late in my life.

My mind likes to wander on it's own and usually I forget all the wonderful discoveries I think I have implanted from my memory disk!

I know have some neat things to share about my parents, grandparents and greats grands, etc.! I've just kind of forgotten what kind of format I was planning to use.

Maybe think?

For now it's time for bed.


Cathleen said...

I want my hour back!!

Happy The Man said...
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Happy The Man said...

That's the beauty of lists, you don't need to format them!

1. I ate chicken in the Van
2. My favorite color is pink
3. I want my hour back
4. I love my Mom

See how easy this is? You can be as random and wander as much as you want!

Happy The Man said...

Wow, that list is driving you crazy! Did little white men in the little white jackets come and take you away?