Saturday, March 22, 2008


I am still trying to think of a way to present any of my many lists. You know, sorting them out in a way that makes sense and doesn't require any time...

Maybe tomorrow I'll actually do this, but I'm still trying to post some photos on my Photoshow.

Wherever does the time go?!!

Since we have been away we'd made no plans for Easter; I'm finding I can't seem to plan anything in advance nowadays...

However Denise came to the rescue and invited us to join her family celebration. They decorate the eggs and everything!!

I have a zillion filled Easter eggs - Seth & Denise are going to kill me! All chocolate for the most part (the kids will be overjoyed.)

I'm taking some to Heather's house, maybe more than half.

We all hope you all have a delightful day and wish we could be with everyone, like in the "good old days."

Happy Easter / Sabbath Day.


Cathleen said...

Happy Easter to you all too! I'll be posting our pictures from today later. We are having a nice time...until Greg leaves for work anyway. Hope you are too.

Happy The Man said...

Happy Easter. Theresa's post was absolutely perfect, spot on! The picture and words say exactly what I feel this beautiful Easter day.

Theresa said...

Happy Easter to you!