Sunday, March 30, 2008


I love our ward. We have great teachers and the best Bishop ever!

I love the break from the rest of the week.

I love the Sundays when family members visit. It doesn't happen often enough.

I love this particular Sunday because Sydney's (boyfriend) Jason was baptized.

I love our church friends /family. They are truly supportive of us!

I love Jason's family and their united support for him.

I LOVE the gospel of Jesus Christ; and . . .

I love sharing it with Duncan, Sydney and members of our family.

I love each of you, too!!!


Cathleen said...

Glad to hear that Jason's Baptism went well and looking forward to hearing more of the details.
I wish I loved Sundays as much as you....hopefully someday. For now, they are very difficult. Preparing for Sunday chews up much of my Saturday. Sunday starts very early and stays hectic no matter all the prep that goes into it being smooth. Sometimes there are battles with children who like to remind us that they hate church and their teachers are the worst ever. I'm usually cooking a good part of the afternoon. Then after dinner, it is time to gear up for another week of school/work. So no, not really feeling the love Sunday thing at this stage of life.

Happy The Man said...

Hmmm, I remember church being pretty stressful in our home growing up. I remember Grammy always scowling because we kids would drag our feet and essentially try to make it as miserable as possible (we were successful).

I do remember however going away to school and actually missing being at church with my family. The familiar hymns made me reflect on those people that I loved when I was far away. Without those earlier memories at church (regardless of how stressful getting there was), I wouldn't have had any way to bridge those emotions and feelings.

In the Baker family, we are almost always late to church and that is mainly because I now accept that I am only in control of myself and yet I am responsible for this large family. I have decided to not let myself get all worked up and stressed about being there on time. I may not achieve the highest degree of glory for being chronically late (i.e. parable of the 10 virgins where 5 were not prepared and did not have sufficient oil in their lamps), but I just can't start my sabbath being all bent at my family. I'd rather be late and be unstressed (ok, let's say "less stressed"). I'm not saying that's the right way, I'm just saying that for me, it defeats the purpose of trying to feel the spirit if I'm going to let satan get the best of me.

We get there. I'd like to be on time and some day I hope to have more control over that. For now I accept things for what they are. And I think that's something you learn to do when you have a large family. Maybe I'm using having a large family as an excuse, but I feel I need to in order to maintain sanity...

Joyce said...

Oh, Greg, you are right as always!

Dad could get us there on time - or just himself - but it was a killer as you have just indicated!

I love church now because there are 3 people willing and ready to be there, and EARLY!!

Don't ever wish these hectic Sundays away! You could be our Bishop & his wife Jenny Hess and have one less stressful boy to deal with each Sunday...

He was the high enegry (Nate) type who couldn't sit still.

You guys will someday look back and when you read what YOUR kids have to say, will wish you could be right back in the those trenches, struggling and battling with the everyday things.

"NO?!" Sounds good though, doesn't it?