Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The "UNC" is back in CA ...

This is a nice treat for me; my brother is here to visit for a few days. Those of you having brothers living nearby - or sisters for that matter - know that spending time with a sibling feels like the most familiar thing in the world.

Even though Steve is going to celebrate his 60th birthday this year, he will always be MY baby brother. First he came in and quickly informed me he would be happy to help me clean my refridgerator ... smells yukky according to him! But first we are going to clean out Heather's room which he knows is piled high with stuffed animals, DOLLS and clothes. Wait until he sees her closet shelf filled with puzzles.

I guess it's the "pack rat" instincts in our family that will quickly drive him mad. Duncan is thrilled to have someone agree with him; a lot of things around here must go!!


Cathleen said...

Hope you all have a nice time together. When you are finished cleaning out your fridge and Heather's room....feel free to start on the Baker house!

Happy The Man said...

Tell Uncle Steve that I'd be out there helping him with the Heather closet cleanup project but I have some last minute Christmas shopping I have to do...

Happy The Man said...

One more thing to share with UNC, tell him to rent the movie "Reign on me". Uncle Steve gifted me an album a long time ago called "Quadraphenia" by the Who. The song "Rain on me" is the theme song for this movie and made me think about Uncle Steve and that gift.