Monday, July 7, 2008

What is "MOTHERHOOD" all about?

As Tory responded to how she would like to be remembered I felt some of the same things she had been feeling over a period of time.

MOTHERHOOD is the most underpaid, under appreciated 24/7 job I can possibly imagine.

Then why are so many mothers willing to stay at home, changing diapers, cleaning up messes constantly, having no real "break" time (period) and/or losing sight of themselves as "women" in any worldly sense, for years on end.

Did I mention how thankless it can be when the child reaches their teen years, rebel, decline to accept any of their parents "teachings" or values and keep their moms up many nights, worrying and stressing over the smallest of transgressions?

Women, having been given God's greatest blessing - the ability to carry and bear life - are the mothers who soon learn that parenting their child(ren) is the most positive reinforcement they can bring into the lives of these miracles of birth.

It is the birthright of a woman, to become the first and best teacher a child will ever have. By their EXAMPLE and loving care; good upstanding citizens are formed.

Tory, my dear granddaughter is finding this out - from her mother, of course.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Okay - so "How you want to be remembered?"

"What does CHARACTER mean?"

And now "gone fishing" have in common.

A sole response - from that HAPPY man who is also my son - and complete silence from everyone else!

My happy son thinks I'm a bit looney tunes - or at the very least desperate for attention...

So perhaps I am.

Daughters-in-law - "hello, where are you?!?!

Grandchildren - I awaiting something that tells me you haven't gone to bed for the entire summer - okay???!!!

If this doesn't work I guess I'll just have to "go fishing" like all the rest...


My last post went over like a lead balloon...

Soooo... let's try CHARACTER, okay?

Now having strong, courageous, impeccable character is some thing we'd all pretty much desire to have. It's also something no one is going to "brag" about, that's for sure!

So I'm going to talking about a real character we can discuss freely... like the guy in church that blurts out the funniest (but most inappropriate) things during testimony meeting.

Now HE is a real CHARACTER!

And while I hate to mention this following that (ummm) characterization, I think the Baker brothers can be major characters in their own rights.

Since Webb doesn't blog, let's move right on to Greg. Greg has a style of writing - and in real time he has a way of thinking and speaking - that is so unique, I would designate him as one funny character. Even when he's SERIOUS he "sometimes" makes me laugh.

(Right, Gregory?)

AND... that goatee ~ shall I say more?!!

Can you think of others for whom living their lives their own way might make them be considered a character in their own right?

I honestly think having character (you do, Greg) and being a character are often one and the same thing! Three cheers for you!!

Now anyone else out there you'd like to nominate, do you suppose?