Friday, March 28, 2008


This Sunday in particular, is a day always to be remembered,

Jason Tomasko's decision to enter the waters of baptism.

We hope he understands the commitments he is making, to take the name of Jesus Christ upon himself...

Sydney is beside herself with JOY,

Because for Sydney, Jason is a very unique and special boy!

Sunday, March 30th, RSM stake center, 5:30PM

All are welcome and most certainly invited . . .


Happy The Man said...

That's cool, is his family coming?

Aleks said...

Oh yeah, one time when I called Sydney on the phone to tell her to start blogging, she told me that Jason was getting baptized. That's really cool, I wish I could be there!

Cathleen said...

That's great news! We'll be thinking of you all. Sydney told Aleks on the phone one day that Jason was getting Baptized on March 9th, but that she wasn't going to go to his Baptism because she was going to Ben's B-day Party instead. We were wondering what the story was.
Love to you all.

Joyce said...

Jason's mom is coming and hopefully other members of his family are too. His mom is giving the opening prayer.

Originally Jason's baptism was scheduled for Mar 9th, but it was changed to Mar 31st.

I sure do wish you could be here! If Duncan, jr. should come he'll be the only one.

Oh well, that's life I guess. xo