Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Awaiting a call from Collin...

I'm sitting here, awaiting that very special call from Collin and realizing that just perhaps he has talked me into believing his mission call really will come this soon. Landon is going to Oregon this weekend - pending getting the time off - and that may have some very interesting developments, also.

Unlike Greg, I find Obama very persuasive. I do understand the very deep seated hurt that is not something with which I can identify. I've experienced what prejudice IS and I do think Obama is addressing the black folks in America, more than anything else. Their inequality is not something white folks can truly perceive.

I've prided myself on not being racist in any way. But I am, or at least I was. My mother taught me that (black) folks knew their places when she was growing up. There was honest respect, on her part, but never integration...

Let's face it; Barrack Obama is not even 50% black. I didn't NOT vote for him because of his color. It wasn't even an issue of any sort. But I do understand that he thinks HE can elevate the black people of America - and all over the world - to a higher level of respect and acceptance and I give him credit for that.

For him, he is a black Moses and he is crying "Let my people go!!!"

Do I approve of his "Organizing for America," on youtube?? No, I think not...
Is our country ready for the United Order? It's been proven not to work.

SO... for today... I will await Collin's call and anticipate Landon's call as well!

And finally "GOD BLESS AMERICA" - I really think we are going to need it in the days ahead.

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