Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy birthday, Jonathan!!! Ben tomorrow!!!!

We are the luckiest family I know! There are 25 (1/3) grandchildren and 1 GREAT grandbaby and every one of them have a birthday each year. What isn't so lucky is the fact that many of them live at distances and must rely on phone calls & mailed cards or PKGS when their turn comes each year.

Every year the Baker family serenades each of us with a birthday ditty that never fails to please. Today we "forgot" Jon, although the truth is we postponed calling until we got home this afternoon and had company every hour until 10PM CA time.

So while Jonny wasn't exactly 'forgotten' - and Ben will be celebrating tomorrow - I have grand hopes that both grandsons will receive calls tomorrow. We hope you had a fun day, Jonathan, and Happy Birthday to Ben in about 15 minutes. xoxoxo

PS I hope Jon's card arrives tomorrow, in the mail...


Happy The Man said...

We are heading for CEC as soon as the kids get home. Its still great, even Christopher still gets excited about Chuck E Cheese. Tory has been over it for many years now. But the rest still love it so we'll probably be doing it for many years to come.

We did not celebrate at all yesterday. But he was ear to ear grins with the birthday wishes. He's such a great kid!

Happy The Man said...

Happy Birthday to Ben by the way! Not sure if you will see them but pass that on.