Saturday, March 21, 2009

MARCH is a GRAND month for me...

There are only two birthdays in the family for the month of March. #1 son, Webster, turns 49 on the 24th. He is making me feel very old. I have thought alot about his birth this past month as we visited our 1st GREAT grandaughter, Zuzu, in Provo, Utah.

First of all Zuzu is one of those very alert babies that are born from time to time. She stared at family members almost from the very first. When we first saw her at five weeks, she was full of smiles for her daddy. I have that recorded in photos I hope to post one day soon.

Being exceptionally beautiful and so very, very good, she reminded me of many happy memories I hold dear from when my first child was born. Webb was one of those babies that made eye contact right away. He was engaging with his mom and other people, right from the beginning...

On his first official visit (to New Rochelle, NY) for his Nana's 75th birthday, Webb stayed awake the whole car ride (one hour), the 5 hour visit and then home. He was only TEN DAYS old. That boy never slept very much, even as a tiny baby. He was always 'up' and about. By the time he was 6 months old he was pulling himself to a stand... only he couldn't sit yet, so he stood many hours in his crib - late into the night - crying for all he was worth.

He was a very exceptional child and life with Webb was never dull... as Greg can certainly attest. I guess over the past 49 years we have seen that personality & drive, still shining through. I know he doesn't do the blog thing, but happy birthday, dear firstborn son.

As for baby Zuzu, she has her own story to create and people all throughout her life to charm.

Not to be forgotten is one sweetheart of a girl who also celebrated (turned 12) her birthday this month. ALEKS, with the brown hair and brown eyes w/ such a twinkle, that she charmed us all right away. Aleks, who in many ways is a lot like her Auntie Debbie, should be a crowned princess in her family, along with Tory, Gwennie and Isabelle. Aleks, the cat lover, and second mom to her younger sisters and brothers.

March brought us visits with THE Bingham twins, Riley & Taylor - their wives Megan (Zuzu) & Katrina and also our Meg (Taylor)... all wonderful in their own ways. Now Syd and I look forward to Jonathan's baptism and visits with (8) Baker grandkids and (2) Taylor grandkids in VA, as well. Jonny makes us all feel happy with is great personality and kindliness toward others. Happy BAPTISM day, Jon!!

Yes, March is a grand month for me... with wonderful April happenings ahead.