Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thinking about Becky...

Today I've been thinking about Becky Taylor Henning. Becky is Uncle Tap's youngest daughter and on Monday she is having her first, and last, birth. Becky, at age 34, decided to have one biological child, for her husband, Doug, who is adopted. I keep thinking that tying her tubes is a mistake after only one birth, but Becky says they'll adopt if they want another.

I remember the youngster Becky, visiting her Gram Taylor, here in CA, when she was only 4 years old, the first time. We have many fond memories of Becky, and her sister Tracy's, visits! And best of all, Becky remembers staying and visiting with us, too!

It is exciting to know that she is now to become a mom and perhaps we will establish a tradition of sorts, with her daughter. We have several (meaning 3) young granddaughters living rather close by and a new baby grandson coming in August.

We aren't the young folks we were when Becky was a child, but the heart stays young enough and the mind remembers good times with joy. We are excited and happy to have a new baby in the family and one that will grow up with Chris & Andrea's "son in the making!"

I miss our VA grandchildren's visits each summer and want to have them back!!! Those days can never be duplicated and once grandkids are grown those moments are gone forever...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Andrea

Now I know Andrea doesn't read my blogs, but her birthday is important, none the less. At 39 she isn't the happiest camper, about being pregnant ~ and barefoot in the kitchen ~ but this baby boy will bring her much joy in the long run! She looks beautiful, as she always does when pregnant, and we are excited about another little grandchild in the family.

In my growing wisdom - and age - which seem to be happening at the same time, I realize how valuable and impacting mothers and fathers are. I am grateful for a mother who asked little from me and received even less, I fear. Having her in our home for her final 16 years, I feel blessed to know her first concerns were for her children and their spouses.

She taught me many lessons about giving of oneself without the attitude of what she might receive back in return. Her simple pleasures - on birthdays and other holidays ~ are now treasures to me. She was a most selfless person and I wish I'd inherited those traits for myself.

I guess what I'm saying is that although I know I love my children unconditionally, I expect something more in return. My goal is to have the love I feel truly be unconditional in every way. Maybe my mom is still working on me... I think with the help of our Heavenly Father perhaps she is.

So happy birthday to Andrea - and of course my mom whose birthday is this coming Sunday. xoxoxo

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day and Happy Birthday wishes!!

Since I write this blog, mostly for Greg, let me start by saying thank you for your comments on Theresa's blog. I happen to think Theresa is a pretty hip "step" mother and I say that with all due respect to Christina.

There are many things 'other mothers' do, for their 'other' children. One thing is to love them and to let them know this, too. Theresa hasn't had the opportunity to be a 'natural' mother, but a good one she would truly wish to be. I can not imagine she would behave differently about M,C or K.

Theresa tries to help Christina's kids, but she knows who the mother is there. T. is a (great) YW president and learns much that is good and right for teenagers in the church. Being a woman she feels things a little differently than 'natural' dads do, as well.

You have an 'other' parent to which you are very kind and loving, because you have made the decision that by doing so you are honoring all parents for trying their best to be there for you.

Our temple sealing, with you and others, is not about making us perfect, but rather about bringing us close to each other for eternity. The Lord will surely help us, if we but honor our covenants with him.

I have turned those matters over to Him. It is beyond my ability to change the hearts of others and I chose not to be resentful as a result.

I know those who loves me, accept me as I am. I am grateful for that love, for surely it is as unconditional as is my love for each of you.

It has been an interesting Mother's Day in many ways. It has not been my favorite, but I am grateful beyond words for the calls and the family members who came. We women shared the very integral part of Mother's Day - each of us being mothers' ourselves.

Special thanks, Greg, for speaking to each of the women, here today! And how wonderful of Andrea's GranPa in Australia to call us today, too.

The birthday parties were all but nil. We'll all laugh about it one day - I hope. It is late and I must close. I missed my mother very much today... her wisdom and common sense. If you are reading this blog... I love you... xoxoxo

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Today is Oliver's 8th birthday. It seems like yesterday that he was born! Poppy, Grammy and Syd didn't do such a good job of calling him today... we are really slipping up on this a whole lot.

I think it's because Grammy can't hear so well on the phone that she forgets about using it sometimes... like maybe ALL of the time, lately.

We are looking forward to celebrating Oliver's birthday with him this Sunday. Andrea and Poppy's birthdays are in May, as well! It is Mother's Day and we are all mothers, too. So I guess the guys will have to clean up the kitchen and the grill, eh???

It is becoming increasingly difficult to get family together for family birthdays and events. The CA grandkids are growing up so quickly ~ AND ~ so are their parents!!!

For all the mothers and May birthdays I'm making a "shout out" for the day!! Enjoy, enjoy, ENJOY!!!

Love, Grammy-Joyce

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter to one and all...

This Easter the messages were so sweet and I could feel the spirit so strongly. It is always nice to have Easter following a General Conference weekend. There are few to read my comments, but the emotions are just as strong.

We had a very quiet Easter Day following our church meetings. We took a ride to Heather's group home and spent some quality time with her. She loves having guests and today was no exception.

Perhaps today my thoughts will be directed to Heather and what she means in my life.

Heather, who suffered severe damages at birth is a very unique and special sister. She asks for very little out of life. If it were my choice I would have her parents back in her daily life, but that choice is not to be. What I do know is that they are happy and healthy where they are and someday she will be joining them in paradise I feel sure.

Now joining them is something very special, for indeed Heather will be returning to Heavenly Father as a Celestialized being... We all have much work to do, here on earth, to be united with her some day.

Heather talks about how much she misses her daddy and mommy. She tends to remember them together, rather than apart. I frequently remind Heather that the place her parents have gone is so wonderful and that I know they both are waiting for her, there.

I think this brings her some peace; I know it does me.

I am so grateful for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for it brings me the great promise of eternal life with my family and all those I so truly love. I have always known there is a Savior - since I was a tiny child. I have always felt the spirit nearby - especially when I take the time to feel and listen to the still small voice. I have had enormous promptings of the spirit and small ones, too. I am grateful to know they are real and readily available whenever I am in tune.

I want my posterity to know that those to whom I have been sealed [as well as those sealed to me] are dearer to me than anything else in my life.

I give thanks this Easter evening and always for this.


Saturday, April 4, 2009


All day today I've been reminded that today is Greg's birthday.

Greg, having been one of the best babies ever, is still a pretty sweet guy with a delightful sense of humor. The only thing is you have to guess when he's being humorous or simply being a wiseguy sometimes.

Greg's 2nd grade teacher didn't believe in "teacher's pets," but she made an exception the year Greg was in her class. Second grade is the year Greg brought home his friend, Duncan Taylor (jr), to play with him and eventually they ended up "blended" brothers (as in) two families joined together by their sister, Sydney, and sealed together in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Having just spent the week with Greg and other family members, celebrating the baptism of Jonathan Andrew Baker, we had ample opportunity to reflect upon the importance of the gospel in each of our lives and to give thanks for Greg and his impact upon his family and all those who know him.

We love you, K-bird...families are truly forever. xoxoxo

Saturday, March 21, 2009

MARCH is a GRAND month for me...

There are only two birthdays in the family for the month of March. #1 son, Webster, turns 49 on the 24th. He is making me feel very old. I have thought alot about his birth this past month as we visited our 1st GREAT grandaughter, Zuzu, in Provo, Utah.

First of all Zuzu is one of those very alert babies that are born from time to time. She stared at family members almost from the very first. When we first saw her at five weeks, she was full of smiles for her daddy. I have that recorded in photos I hope to post one day soon.

Being exceptionally beautiful and so very, very good, she reminded me of many happy memories I hold dear from when my first child was born. Webb was one of those babies that made eye contact right away. He was engaging with his mom and other people, right from the beginning...

On his first official visit (to New Rochelle, NY) for his Nana's 75th birthday, Webb stayed awake the whole car ride (one hour), the 5 hour visit and then home. He was only TEN DAYS old. That boy never slept very much, even as a tiny baby. He was always 'up' and about. By the time he was 6 months old he was pulling himself to a stand... only he couldn't sit yet, so he stood many hours in his crib - late into the night - crying for all he was worth.

He was a very exceptional child and life with Webb was never dull... as Greg can certainly attest. I guess over the past 49 years we have seen that personality & drive, still shining through. I know he doesn't do the blog thing, but happy birthday, dear firstborn son.

As for baby Zuzu, she has her own story to create and people all throughout her life to charm.

Not to be forgotten is one sweetheart of a girl who also celebrated (turned 12) her birthday this month. ALEKS, with the brown hair and brown eyes w/ such a twinkle, that she charmed us all right away. Aleks, who in many ways is a lot like her Auntie Debbie, should be a crowned princess in her family, along with Tory, Gwennie and Isabelle. Aleks, the cat lover, and second mom to her younger sisters and brothers.

March brought us visits with THE Bingham twins, Riley & Taylor - their wives Megan (Zuzu) & Katrina and also our Meg (Taylor)... all wonderful in their own ways. Now Syd and I look forward to Jonathan's baptism and visits with (8) Baker grandkids and (2) Taylor grandkids in VA, as well. Jonny makes us all feel happy with is great personality and kindliness toward others. Happy BAPTISM day, Jon!!

Yes, March is a grand month for me... with wonderful April happenings ahead.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy birthday, Jonathan!!! Ben tomorrow!!!!

We are the luckiest family I know! There are 25 (1/3) grandchildren and 1 GREAT grandbaby and every one of them have a birthday each year. What isn't so lucky is the fact that many of them live at distances and must rely on phone calls & mailed cards or PKGS when their turn comes each year.

Every year the Baker family serenades each of us with a birthday ditty that never fails to please. Today we "forgot" Jon, although the truth is we postponed calling until we got home this afternoon and had company every hour until 10PM CA time.

So while Jonny wasn't exactly 'forgotten' - and Ben will be celebrating tomorrow - I have grand hopes that both grandsons will receive calls tomorrow. We hope you had a fun day, Jonathan, and Happy Birthday to Ben in about 15 minutes. xoxoxo

PS I hope Jon's card arrives tomorrow, in the mail...

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Tonight is a good time for reflection. I just received a facebook comment from Sydney's pediatrician's wife. He was one of our first visitors at the hospital, Victor Ince, MD. He was a big teddy bear of a man, with rather unruly hair and a salt and pepper beard.

He bounced into the hospital room with a huge smile on his face. The first words out of his mouth were, "Congratulations folks, you have just become the parents of a very special child!" From that moment on, and although we'd never met him before, we knew Sydney was going to be in a warm and caring physician's hands.

And so she was...

Victor Ince died a few years back. He had retired due to poor health, but we have always missed his wise advice, his encouraging and loving ways. Sydney's start in life, with such a caring doctor, has been reflected many times and in so many ways, throughout the years.

Today as we ate lunch with her dear friend, Charlotte, she spoke of times in school when other kids called her a "retard." We agreed it wasn't very nice, but also that perhaps they were retards, too...

It made me think how wise Sydney has become; how far she has come down the pathway of life and how much she has impacted so many along the way.

We are so grateful for her coming into our lives 26 years ago - and we continue to marvel at the guileless, yet intelligent adult she is becoming.

Happy birthday, Sydney... you have more joy into our lives than we could ever say.

I love you so very much and so does your dad. xoxoxo Mom

Monday, February 9, 2009

Another chapter in life now beginning...

It is always exciting when another baby is born; most certainly when that baby is part of our blended family. We are the grandparents of 25 grandchildren, with the anticipation of more to come.

However, there is something magical about becoming a grandparent ~ or a GREAT grandparent, for the 1st time! Today, Feb 9, 2009 another generation of children began. As Megan, and husband Riley, welcome a sweet baby daughter into their lives, we watch the circle of life beginning again.

It is marvelous to be alive and healthy, as this latest generation begins. Being the first little girl on the paternal side of the family to enjoy 4 doting uncles, but no aunts, Margaret 'ZuZu' brings new joys and great expectations of all.

This a time of great celebration and yes, new beginnings, too. We are happy to be part of this eternal family and to be able to once again witness [via email] the incredible miracle of birth.

God Bless you Riley, Megan ~ and Emzy ~ and your brand new grandparents, too.

xoxoxo Great-Grammy Joyce

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Anxiously awaiting the birth of Emzie/ Maggy Zu/ EM... our 1st GREAT grandbaby!

Emzie is due tomorrow to Riley and Megan Bingham!! It is very exciting to contemplate the birth of a great grandchild! I am alreay enjoying the many compliments one receives with the birth of their first child, grandchild or great grandchild.

The first being... oh you're too young, you couldn't possibly be a ... great grandmother!! Yep, I sure love that one...

Particularly since there is a very good chance there are still to be more grandbabies on the way...

My biggest regret however is that many of our grandchildren live at great distances from us and as such we don't get to see them all that much. We'll see little Emzie in March, but then it will be late summer before we have the opportunity to see her again.

It seems the more we have - the broader the distances become.

It would sure be nice to begin again - therefore making exactly the same mistakes we made the first time no doubt.

One thing is for sure! I would never take time spent together with family for granted - never, ever again.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Nicole leaves for Florida this Thursday...

It's funny how much we take for granted family relationships... Nicole has lived near us in CA since she was born some 26 years ago. She stops in for family gatherings, when she can, but only recently have we begun to really "bond" with her. No sooner had she begun to make a routine of Fudd's on Friday night, then she went off to FL for Christmas and returned to tell us she successfully managed a job change to Orlando.

Now I know she is a most favored daughter of her mum and dad's, but it's pretty well established that humid, sweaty summers and dear old parents are not the only things drawing her there.

So I guess we must thank RYAN,(who(m) we aren't going to meet any time soon), for stealing her away from us!! Now Ryan looks like he's too much fun for our homegrown girl and I sure hope she's made the right decision to desert us - for him!!

Also, while I'm referring to deserters, it is possible Santa Barbara won't be Landon's home for long, either. He is hoping to get into school in the Coast Guard and would then relocate near San Francisco for several months. Lots of things are going on in Landon's life and I can only anticipate "what else" at this point.

Love to all of you from all of us! xoxoxo

Friday, January 23, 2009

I was thinking about NEW BEGINNINGS

It's really funny because new beginnings are really anything that happens a minute from now - if you think about it. I am really excited for Aleks to be entering the YW era in her life, as well as in our church! Aleks is another "doll" in a family full of dollies!!

Now Collin will have a new beginning, too. I am guessing he will find Colorado just as challenging as any other place he might have been called. We know he loves the snow and teaching the gospel to folks there may require greater stamina than he may have originally thought. All I know is the gals (and guys) that serve in southern CA always have their work cut out!!

Then there is Landon, returning home to visit his family and a certain young woman who charms us all with her beautiful voice and songs. Could there be 'new beginnings' there... only time will tell.

For each of us there is always the next moment or two to have that mighty change of heart, the joy that comes from taking each day as it comes and risking the thought that there will be many, many new moments and new beginnings in each of our lives.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Awaiting a call from Collin...

I'm sitting here, awaiting that very special call from Collin and realizing that just perhaps he has talked me into believing his mission call really will come this soon. Landon is going to Oregon this weekend - pending getting the time off - and that may have some very interesting developments, also.

Unlike Greg, I find Obama very persuasive. I do understand the very deep seated hurt that is not something with which I can identify. I've experienced what prejudice IS and I do think Obama is addressing the black folks in America, more than anything else. Their inequality is not something white folks can truly perceive.

I've prided myself on not being racist in any way. But I am, or at least I was. My mother taught me that (black) folks knew their places when she was growing up. There was honest respect, on her part, but never integration...

Let's face it; Barrack Obama is not even 50% black. I didn't NOT vote for him because of his color. It wasn't even an issue of any sort. But I do understand that he thinks HE can elevate the black people of America - and all over the world - to a higher level of respect and acceptance and I give him credit for that.

For him, he is a black Moses and he is crying "Let my people go!!!"

Do I approve of his "Organizing for America," on youtube?? No, I think not...
Is our country ready for the United Order? It's been proven not to work.

SO... for today... I will await Collin's call and anticipate Landon's call as well!

And finally "GOD BLESS AMERICA" - I really think we are going to need it in the days ahead.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day ~ 2009 ~ Am I thrilled??

I couldn't help thinking what brought us to this day. At least 95% African-Americans voted for our new president, Barrack Obama, and all of the democrats, which includes many of the aforementioned. To enjoy the enormity of this day it has helped that I also remember segregation in the south during the mid 1940's to the early 1950's, since that is when I attended grammar school in Memphis, Tenn. I have vidid memories of those years and the many events that have transpired since. I am proud to have a bi-racial president ~ I am proud this country has shown that COLOR of one's skin doesn't really matter anymore ~ I am also very happy that we were not crowning the queen of the democrats, Hillary Clinton, either.

I wish our new president every success in leading this country, but I do not necessarily agree with him.

I guess what I wish to express is my gratitude to President and Mrs. Bush. Under very difficult circumstances they showed that class and dignity do matter. They made their transition from the White House, having made it a welcoming place for the new residents to enjoy.

President Bush led our country safely to the conclusion of his presidency. May God bless him and his wife as they adjust to the quieter, more carefree days ahead.

May our new president lead us strongly, in this almost second decade of the 21st century, and keep us safe upon our soil. May he always be reminded that the leaders of third world countries are NOT like the folks in the 50 states of his united America. AND may he truly UNITE the people of this country as never before.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Trevor!!!

Today is Trevor's birthday and he is SIX year's old!! He is celebrating by going to the movie with a friend and having a sleepover after. Trevor is a very wise young grandson. He is very careful with his money and could be a CPA someday if that is what he wants to do. Trevor works very hard to earn money and then makes careful choices about how he will spend it, too.

Happy birthday Trevor!! We love you!!

Joyce Taylor's Albums

Joyce Taylor's Albums

Monday, January 5, 2009

January HAPPY BIRTHDAY'S to Seth, Craig & Trevor

The New Year has begun and with it comes the beginnings of an endless list of birthdays. My first goal for 2009 would be that THIS year I would successfully remember everyone who is dear to me ~ in a timely manner!! Receiving a birthday card from Hoa & Richard was so neat!

Nonetheless this is a "shout out" for Seth on the 9th, Craig on the 11th, and Trevor on the 16th!! If I'm missing anyone please let me know!! Seth has to work late on his birthday; no Fuddrucker's this Friday :-(

Trevor's is the following Friday - let's hope they are around then!

With the new year comes all the same resolutionss I always make and break within the very first day. No sweets for a month - what a joke. The 40 minute a day walk on the treadmill; hasn't happened yet, and exercising on the "WII Fit" will have to weight (pun intended) until I have figured out my phanfare, camera and cellphone.

I have stayed up late to finish one book ("A Thousand Splendid Suns" ~ I highly recommend it!) and I'm almost through "New Moon."

Let's hope I will do better about birthdays and special times together this year. Jon (Baker) will be baptized in February, and Megan & Riley's "M.Z." will be born early in the month, too. March we're off to Park City, Utah and then there's Collin's missionary farewell, plus another (??) event shortly following perhaps, also...

Enjoy 2009 with hopes that all of us will stay healthy and happy ~ each in our own way!! xoxoxo